A place to unwind.
Take your rest! Life can be a bit chaotic and hectic at times. From the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning, we cater to the needs of others. Often times, we do this without getting the recommended hours of proper sleep, without proper nutrition, and without taking a moment to breathe and self-reflect. Rest Alive LLC is here to assist you with reclaiming your rest. It is during your rest, that your body begins to heal or completes its' healing process. It is during your rest, that you may hear the still, quiet voice from within. Your rest is attached to your blessings, your mental and physical health, and your overall wellbeing. Balancing rest and work is crucial for longevity. It's time to treat yourself better than, or at least equal to, all the love, time, and assistance you provide for everyone else.
Rest Alive LLC was created to offer you an alternative to living a stress-filled life. We know that stressful situations occur in life, but stress should not be a "way of life". The anatomical and physiologic systemic network of your body, is not designed to withstand chronic, long-term, stress. Eventually, a break down in the body or disease, is likely to occur. Take preventive and proactive measures to fight off disease and maintain your health. If you feel like you're already in too deep, it's not too late for you to reclaim your healthy and balanced life! Let Rest Alive LLC assist you with bringing back life's joys through adventure, meditation, and aromatherapy spa products.
We are located in the beautiful, Western New York region. All meditation sessions can be held virtually via Zoom or brought directly to your local medical/dental office, business office, church, school, or other business organization. We are currently serving individuals, groups, and businesses throughout the state of New York. All other individuals and teams are welcome to join us! We encourage our distant friends and prospective friends to travel with us on our adventurous journeys and meditation retreats. Simply, check the "Retreats" section next to the Rest Alive LLC logo, located at the top of the page. Aromatherapy spa products can be delivered to you anywhere in the United States of America. Simply, select the "New Products/Services" section at the top of the page, near the Rest Alive LLC logo.
You don't have to wait until you die to rest in peace. We care about your overall wellbeing and we need you to want to be well. It's time to take care of YOU. Give freely to yourself as you have given freely to others. You may not be able to put yourself at the top of your list, but at least put yourself "on" your list of priorities. Let us help you live a more balanced and peaceful life.
Feel free to email me at: www.Rebecca@RestAliveLLC.com.
Rest Alive.
Rebecca Rogers, CMT, RDH, BSDH, MSED
Certified Meditation Teacher, Registered Dental Hygienist, Educator, Yoga Instructor, Author, CEO
“You don’t have to wait until you die to rest in peace. Find rest while you are yet here on Earth.
Rest Alive!”